Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fall Leaves

I just wanted to post a few pictures. I love the colors of fall and the leaves changing colors. Here are a few pictures I took around the house today.

Things are still moving along here. I coached the girls volleyball practice and will coach their game on monday. I still got alittle game ;-) At least enough that the girls think I know something!

We are also having a "haunted woods & bonfire" gathering on Halloween. The kids will have a blast and it's costing us parents a bag of candy! I can't believe the price of the corn mazes, pumkins, and all that (especially for 6) Anyway, it should be fun! Wish us luck.

Have a great week!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

So Long September...

Well, its time for me to get out the cinnamon scented candles again - my favorite time of year. I love walking into the house and how the smell puts me in the "holiday" mood.

It's been a busy month. We took our last camping trip of the year to our favorite place by Leavenworth. It was the first time in a long time we went by ourselves. As much as we love to go with friends it was nice for the 6 of us to just spend some good time together.

I also spend the end of Aug through Sept pressure washing and staining our decks. I discovered I love to pressure wash stuff. I just send the kids to play and blast away dirt. If you have ever seen our decks you know what a big job this was. About 800 sq feet plus railings. (see before pic) I had a little help from the kids but mostly plugged away after work and whenever the sun was out. It looks SO much better. My tip- remember when you build a deck that one day you will have to stain it again!

This month has also been filled with work, school and volleyball games for the girls. OH- I almost forgot, mom and I went to Phantom of the Opera! It was amazing. I've wanted to see it for years and finially got to go. Then the next weekend Andrew and I went with our friends Tad and Bobbie Jo to the Amphtheater for the Heart & Journey Concert! No, we didn't weat leg warmers or parachute pants ;-) But we did get in for free and had a great time.
I'm still working 2 jobs but should be done at the YoungLife office at the end of October. Andrew's still hanging in there with the loans and real estate business. He did spend a weekend with his dad, brothers and some cousins in Eastern Washington at his brother Joes cabin. They had a good time doing "man" stuff.

Other than that I'll try and update more! Hope all is well with everyone else.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Back to Scool

I know some of you are jealous that Carbonado started school already! Can you believe summer is over already? Where does time go? Next year AJ will be in this picture with his sisters. Everyone likes school so far, Bailey & Ashlea in middle school and Noelle in 2nd grade. WOW - I'm really not old enough to have 2 middle schoolers.

Along with that I started my new job at the school. I'm only there in the afternoon and still doing my Young Life job in the mornings. Starting January I will be at the school full time - taking over the front office ;-) So things are a little busy right now.

Anyway, have a great long weekend and for everyone else a good first day of school next week!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Family Vacation

We just returned from our family vacation to Lake Roosevelt. My mom and dad rented a house boat and we ALL went, mom & dad, Kasie, Troy & Rian, and the 6 of us! We had a great time and of course it wouldn't be vacation without a little adventure! When we first got there it was around 105 degrees and by the time we left it was barely 70. We had sun and wind and some rain - oh, and don't forget the forest fire! We were able to relax, fish, swim and just enjoy being away. It is beautiful there - bald eagles and deer were everywhere. The kids had a fun time going off the water slide, catching fish and staying on a boat.